
More on Palmeri and the Grand

Some quotes from his blog:

1. In reference to budget deliberations:
Deputy Mayor Bain submitted a CIP amendment: Grand Opera House Sprinkler Project. Motion to have the City fully fund the Grand Opera House sprinkler project. Rationale: The city owns the project, and I feel it is our obligation for maintenance and upkeep, and the sprinkler project certainly falls into that category. The Foundation Board should be focused on their projects to enhance the facility. Benefit - The experience that the citizens and patrons have when visiting the building.
2. Discussing a performance he was in to help raise private money for childrens programs at the Grand:
So thanks again to Joe Ferlo and the Grand Opera House, two Oshkosh treasures.
Tony, what changed? I'm sure most of the people who voted for you did not do so thinking you would say the Grand is "dead on arrival" (his exact quote below):

Contact Mr. Palmeri and remind him why the Grand was important to him, and why it is to you!

(920) 235-1116


Mr. Palmeri is off base - Preserve the Grand

Mr. Palmeri is quoted in the OshNW today:
Palmeri said this was the time for community groups to “walk the walk.” “If we don’t get meaningful private participation on this, we can only talk the talk on public-private partnerships,” he said. “Everybody wants to see the building saved, but I do think now would be the time for people to step up to the plate and show what they can contribute.”
Since he is a private citizen and wants to see the building saved, I look forward to him walking the walk as well.

What Mr.'s Palmeri and Esslinger (read the article, he is also calling for private donations) fail to realize is that the preservation of these historic buildings is the responsibility of govt. Even more in lean times when private fundraising is more difficult.

As Mr. Palmeri wrote on his blog during the water tower debate:
My interest in this issue is not rooted in some nostalgia for history or historic structures. Rather, I believe that it's time to start actively developing the "Historic Oshkosh" brand. Other cities have done this with great success.
How can we brand ourselves as "Historic Oshkosh" if we allow Wisconsin's oldest operating theater building to close and rot?

If the private sector, which already funds the Grand to the tune of $500,000+ per year, cannot raise the funds, it is the city's job to foster the city's image and encourage tourism and business development.

Let's see some consistency... Preserve the Grand.