
LTTE: Kaufert Out - Westphal In -

Letters: Kaufert's loyalties need rearranging
Wisconsin badly needs ethics reform for our troubled state government. State Sen. Mike Ellis proposed a bill (SB1) that would remedy some of the problems. Republicans in the Assembly killed that bill.

In the commentary written by State Rep. Dean Kaufert, R-Neenah, in the June 15 Post-Crescent, he claims he supported Senate Bill 1, which would have strengthened state government ethics oversight.

Only if you carefully read the article would you see that he voted to kill the bill by denying a floor vote in the Assembly. His reason for doing this? He didn't want to embarrass Republican leadership in the Assembly (John Gard, Assembly speaker, and Mike Huebsch, majority leader).

Shame on John Gard and Mike Huebsch for blocking a vote on this ethics reform bill. And shame on Dean Kaufert for putting the feelings of Gard and Huebsch above the interests of Wisconsin citizens. I found his efforts to convince us of his support for this bill, in spite of his role in killing it, disgusting.

Republicans like to brag about how loyal they are. Unfortunately, most show more loyalty to their Republican leaders than they do to the citizens they were elected to serve.

Dean Kaufert ran unopposed in the last election. It's a bad thing for our government when incumbent politicians don't have to worry about winning elections. Why worry about serving your constituents if they have no other choice?

Kaufert serves Gard and Huebsch, not us, because he wants their approval and doesn't need ours.

This next election will be different. Kaufert will have a Democratic opponent, Mark Westphal. Finally, we get a choice.

Let's elect someone who will be more loyal to us than he is to the likes of John Gard.

Max E. Brown,

I am very excited about Mark's Campaign. I will have all the info on how to get involved soon.

His contact info ant that of other Winnebago Candidates are in our last newsletter.

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