
Is Randy Hopper Against Maternity & Family Leave?

Another greatest hit from WIEye...

In an interview with Candidate Randy Hopper at the Winnebago County Republican Party Corn Roast, he stated (and I paraphrase)...

"I spoke with a business that sold off a million dollar unit because they were about to go over 50 employees. That is absurd."

Why would that happen? Because of the Family and Medical Leave Act. Once you have 50 employees, you need to offer maternity leave. Once you have over 50 employees, you need to allow employees to care for their spouses when they are critically ill.

I believe it is important that we allow new families the time to adjust and recuperate after a birth.

I also believe that families need the time to care for loved ones in times of dire need.

I guess Randy Hopper doesn't.