
Winnebago Dems Upcoming Events!

We have a few events for you to attend with your fellow Dems!

Winnebago County Democratic Party Corn Roast
  • When: Saturday, August 23rd 1-3 PM
  • Where: Winnebago Community Park
  • 76 & Y, Oshkosh Shelterhouse #1
  • Info: Jef Hall
  • 920.203.6883 or jef@jefhall.com
  • Come out for all the Allen’s Corn you can eat! Mingle with your fellow Dems and local elected officials.

Sen Obama’s Acceptance Speech for the Democratic Party Presidential Nomination!
  • When: Thursday, August 28th 6:00 PM
  • Where: WCDP Campaign HQ
  • 480 N Main St, Oshkosh
  • Info: Casey Giltner
  • 920.426.2262 or giltner.case@students.uwlax.edu
  • Come see history made as Sen Obama accepts our nomination in front of 76,000 on the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech.
  • Bring a dish to pass, refreshments will be provided.

Pool Party for Mark Westphal
  • When: Wednesday, August 27th 5-7 PM
  • Where: Don Winter’s home
  • 451 Hawthorne St, Neenah
  • Info: Mark Westphal
  • 920.727.4781 or sswes@earthlink.net
  • Come raise money to help take back the Assembly. Good times in a beautiful setting with fellow Fox Valley activists. Suggested donation $25.

Sen. Barack Obama Campaign for Change Young Professionals Night
  • When: Wednesday, August 27th 5:30-7:30 PM
  • Where Water City Grill
  • 107 Algoma Blvd, Oshkosh
  • Info: Casey Giltner
  • 920.426.2262 or giltner.case@students.uwlax.edu
  • Watch the Vice Presidential Nominee address, ask questions about the campaign, discuss the issues that face our generation, and learn how you can get involved in the campaign this election.

Volunteer for Sen. Obama’s campaign!
  • We will not change America without you!
  • Contact Casey Giltner: 920.426.2262 or giltner.case@students.uwlax.edu

Help fund the Winnebago County Democratic Party and our Candidates!

Get your Obama Campaign Gear!
  • We have buttons, stickers and t-shirts at the office for small donations!
  • 480 N Main St, Oshkosh – 920.426.2262 (920-42-OBAMA!)

As always, please contact me with any questions,


Jef Hall
Chair, Winnebago County Democratic Party
2nd Vice Chair, Democratic Party of WI
224a Scott Ave, Oshkosh, WI 54901

Authorized and Paid for by the Winnebago County Democratic PartyJef Hall, Chair


Teddy Roosevelt Quote

The man of great wealth owes a peculiar obligation to the State, because he derives special advantages from the mere existence of government. Not only should he recognize this obligation in the way he leads his daily life and in the way he earns and spends his money, but it should also be recognized by the way in which he pays for the protection the States gives him.