
Sent by a friend: You just might be a Republican if...

If you don't know how many houses you own...

.. you just might be a Republican.


Anonymous said...

Or, whose house you stumble into to sleep one off, even though you own none.

Anonymous said...
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newoshkosh said...

And I'm sure you both have impeccable records, right?!? Just for the heck of it, why don't you post your names so we can CCAP you?

Jef has made mistakes, learned from them and changed for the better. I'm not excusing what he did, but it's history, it's in the past. The last incident was in October of 2005, almost three years ago. And his "famous" trespass incident was over three years ago.

By the way, what does Jef not being a homeowner have to do with John McCain owning so many homes he can't remember the exact number? So what if Jef is a paycheck-to-paycheck guy. He is what the core of the Democratic Party is made of. And, if you look at Oshkosh statistics, you'll see renters make up a large portion of our community, especially in the district he represents on the County Board.

And, milk and cheese, either you slept through classes where the law was taught, are out for some sort of revenge or are just plain ignorant, but cases that have been dismissed indicate either a lack of evidence or inappropriate charges. Either way, Jef is innocent of those charges.


Anonymous said...

When you become a public figure you get put under the microscope, and it doesn't help Hall that he throws stones at others when nothing has been proven in their cases. If he can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.