
Where's Jonathan?

Jonathan Krause has announced his candidacy for the 54th...

He has been posting on his 'My Two Cents' blog most weekdays for more than 3 years. However, if you look at the blog counter in the image above, it shows only between 35 and 87 posts.

Lets say he were to post only 4 times per week, and take two weeks of vacation a year. That would be:

50 weeks/year X 4 days/week = 200 posts.

Where did the rest of them go? Isn't this information that the voters might need to make a valid decision on whom to vote?

He has been writing an opinion column for more than three years, yet now that his opinion matters, they are gone?

It looks like it took just one day for Jonathan Krause to become 'just another politician'...

I sure hope someone has those missing posts saved...

Here's a fun one from October 16th, a day you will find missing on his blog (I have bolded some of the items you might want to ask him about):


Thursday 10-16
Well it appears the State's financial chickens have come home to roost. Much like the "crooks on Wall Street" he likes to deride, Governor Doyle's house of cards has also come crashing down. Years of deferred funding, raiding of the Transportation Fund and budgeting based on structural deficits can no longer be covered up. I had to laugh yesterday when the Governor said he had already made deep cuts in State Government and now things are really going to hurt.

So where to begin? How about with the Seniorcare program--which costs the state 253-million dollars a year. We have a program called Medicare Part D that performs the same social function. Are the benefits exactly the same? No--but Seniorcare was only meant to be in place until Medicare Part D came into being. Everyone in Madison apparently forgot about that. If you are unhappy with the Federal benefit--contact your local Congressman.

Put a freeze on all new state building construction. This is bad news for the UW system, which has a building boom going on around the state--but we can probably get by with the existing classroom space for another few years. Highway and bridge projects are exempt because we should have plenty in the Transportation fund to cover those right Governor? Oh that's right--we gave that money to the schools. I always say every driver deserves a great school.

Finally, own up to the people of the state and admit that Madison has written a whole bunch of checks the taxpayers will have to cover. That means an increase in the sales tax. If tax revenues are down ten percent--then a half-percent hike in the consumption tax will be needed as well. You could have that in place by next July 1st--when the next state fiscal year starts.

We can only hope that The King getting caught without his clothes on will finally lead to some changes in the way the state creates its budget. Maybe putting away a little money for situations like this might be step one. Setting some real priorities could be step two.
If this is what you believe, stand up for it, don't hide it.


6th Congressional Candidate, Parades

6th Congressional Candidate, Parades

Hello Members and Friends of the Winnebago Dems!

Nomination papers for Joe Kallas for the 6th Congressional District.

Joe is a long-time Democrat from Green Lake County, a teacher for the Correctional System and someone dedicated to our progressive principles.

Please print out a nomination paper or two and circulate them among your circles. It is important to make sure we do not leave that ballot line blank.

If the papers do not come through, they can be downloaded here: http://jef4wi.com/files/KallasNom.pdf


We need to make sure we have the people in the parades to make an impact this year!

Your parade committee has refurbished and rebuilt the signs, secured candy buckets & refreshment coolers....
Now all we need is you!

Please let us know if you will be at the parades! We need a great turnout.

Mayor Barrett & Senator Feingold will be in Oshkosh/Omro on the 4th, but we are going to be responsible for Neenah/Menasha ourselves.

Can you be there for either or both?

Reply to this email, or email me at jef@jefhall.com.

Neenah/Menasha - Meet at 8:00 PM July 3rd on Milwaukee St - we are entry #19. Bring a sack of candy and a flashlight.

Oshkosh/Omro - Meet at 8:00 AM in the parking lot next to the Post Office across from the B'Gosh building on Otter Ave - info here: http://jef4wi.com/Parade-4th-2010.html. Omro Parade follows!

Your help and support is appreciated!


Jef Hall
Chair, Winnebago County Democratic Party
2nd Vice Chair, Democratic Party of WI
112 E Irving Ave
Oshkosh, WI 54901


Authorized and Paid for by the Winnebago County Democratic Party – Jef Hall, Chair


It depends on what the meaning of the word 'we' is

A comment on Ron Johnson's most famous quote:

"The most basic right," Johnson says, "is the right to keep your property." Remembering the golden age when, thanks to Ronald Reagan, the top income tax rate was 28 percent, Johnson says: "For a brief moment we were 72 percent free."
(Emphasis mine)

This is worth some analysis. When he says the word 'we' - he is talking about those in the top income tax bracket. The top tax bracket begins at $373,650 - this is about 2% of Americans.

Another great quote:

JOHNSON: “You know there actually was. I was watching FOX News and, uh, Dick Morris came on. He was talking about [the Wisconsin Senate Race and said] ‘Hey, if you're a rich guy in the state of Wisconsin maybe you ought to decide to run.’

Parades - Neenah/Menasha July 3 - Oshkosh/Omro July 4

Parades - Neenah/Menasha July 3 - Oshkosh/Omro July 4

Hello Dems & Friends! We need to make sure we have the people in the parades to make an impact this year!

Your parade committee has refurbished and rebuilt the signs, secured candy buckets & refreshment coolers.... Now all we need is you!

Please let us know if you will be at the parades! We need a great turnout.

Mayor Barrett & Senator Feingold will be in Oshkosh/Omro on the 4th, but we are going to be responsible for Neenah/Menasha ourselves.

Can you be there for either or both?

Reply to this email, or email me at jef@jefhall.com.

Neenah/Menasha - Meet at 8:00 PM July 3rd on Milwaukee St - we are entry #19. Bring a sack of candy and a flashlight.

Oshkosh/Omro - Meet at 8:00 AM in the parking lot next to the Post Office across from the B'Gosh building on Otter Ave - info here:http://jef4wi.com/Parade-4th-2010.html. Omro Parade follows!

Your help and support is appreciated!


Authorized and Paid for by the Winnebago County Democratic Party - Jef Hall, Chair.

Ron Johnson Convention Kerfuffle

The Chief explains the situation well here.

I would just like to add the following - The email below went out to the Winnebago County GOP list on May 12th:

Delegates to State Convention

Winnebago County GOP

May 12

Dear WCRP Members,

Members in good standing at the time of our County Caucus are eligible to serve as voting delegates at the Wisconsin State GOP convention on May 21-23.

If you are intending on attending as a voting delegate, please call me at 920-722-7060. Winnebago County is sponsoring a candidate for statewide office and I would like to discuss the issue with each delegate in advance.


Todd L. Peters
WCRP Chairman

Just to add to the timeline discussion, this went out 5 days before he announced, 9 days before the convention.

There was 'horse trading' going on. There always is at conventions. But, he can't say that he was not contacting people.

He probably didn't do anything illegal, but, as the Chief also points out - it is the clumsy response that is telling.