
Ron Johnson Convention Kerfuffle

The Chief explains the situation well here.

I would just like to add the following - The email below went out to the Winnebago County GOP list on May 12th:

Delegates to State Convention

Winnebago County GOP

May 12

Dear WCRP Members,

Members in good standing at the time of our County Caucus are eligible to serve as voting delegates at the Wisconsin State GOP convention on May 21-23.

If you are intending on attending as a voting delegate, please call me at 920-722-7060. Winnebago County is sponsoring a candidate for statewide office and I would like to discuss the issue with each delegate in advance.


Todd L. Peters
WCRP Chairman

Just to add to the timeline discussion, this went out 5 days before he announced, 9 days before the convention.

There was 'horse trading' going on. There always is at conventions. But, he can't say that he was not contacting people.

He probably didn't do anything illegal, but, as the Chief also points out - it is the clumsy response that is telling.

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