
"At the time of President Clinton’s biggest strikes against Al Qaeda, in August 1998, there were three words on most people’s minds: “Wag the Dog.” After Clinton ordered air strikes on the terrorist camps in Afghanistan and a pharmaceuticals factory in Sudan, many people thought of that Robert de Niro movie about a struggling president and an obscure foreign war. Reporters asked Secretary Cohen and Clinton investigator Kenneth Starr about the air strikes and the movie. "


I didn't think of this before - Richard Wolfe make a great point here. Remember, from now until fall, as the Republicans are blaming 9/11 on Clinton, that their partisan politics prevented him from doing anything about it.

Also, after the bombing of the Cole, Clinton/Gore could have made a grand anti-terror gesture that would surely have helped Gore in the poles, but decided it was better to show restraint. They instead passed the info they had onto the new administration.

Would Bush do the same, do you think, or would he play it for political advantage at the ballot box?

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