

Paul Krugman has a great article based on Spain's election and the impact on the War on terror.

I tend to disagree that the Spanish election is a sign that the terrorists are winning. When Spain went into the coalition, it was against the wishes of a majority of their population. There is a democracy in Spain, and the war was a huge factor in the election before the attacks.

I think that the right here in America want to spin it that the Spanish election is a sign that the terrorists are winning. That way they can argue that Bush needs to stay in. But, if Aznar could not put forth policies to keep his people safe, he and his party do not desreve the offices they had.

It is the same here, if Bush cannot keep us safe, as I believe he didn't before 9-11 (I will write more of my opinions on that upcoming), he does not desreve his office.


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