
They're doing it again....

"Senior administration officials and counterterrorism experts view the coming months as a time to increase vigilance out of concern that Islamic militants may try to replicate the political success they had in Spain with coordinated pre-election train bombings.

Nearly 200 died in the March attack, and the prime minister’s ruling Popular Party lost to a rival who promised a pull out of Spanish troops from Iraq."

As I have written before - The conservative government was voted out in Spain because they LIED to the voters about who carried out the attack - even facing overwhelming evidence that it was Islamic Terrorism, they tried to pin it on the Basque seperatists because they knew the consequences.

Also, they were already facing low public opinion for committing troops to Iraq when the majority of their population was against it.

They lost because of lies, not terrorism. They lost because their leaders made them less safe, not more safe through their policies. They lost because their leaders made them more enemies internationally, not more allies.

Sound familiar? Keep your eyes open.

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