
Altercation gets better reader mail than I do..

..so I am posting his (they get the point right):

Name: Bill
Hometown: White Plains
Dr. Alterman,
Folks should take a close look at what is going on in New Orleans, because they are looking into the future. Armed mercenaries are now roaming the streets of N.O., hired by the government. Blackwater Security is roaming the streets of N.O., as though it is downtown Bagdad. Freedom of the press is being curtailed. The press is being stopped from video taping the removal of bodies that have been laying and rotting for two weeks, so their families won't be traumatized. The truth is being suppressed. Does anyone really expect a true count of the dead? The former head of FEMA was in the south hired as a consultant to arrange for FEMA funding of the rebuilding efforts, 5 days before the Hurricane struck. Contracts have been awarded without bidding to Flour Daniels and, yes you guessed it, Halliburton. Due process requirements for fair bidding have been excused due to the scope of the disaster the south is facing. 160,000 homes in the worst flooded areas, and yes the poorest, may not be habitable and will be destroyed. Mercenaries, censorship, cronyism, displacement of the impoverished from prime real estate. We need to do more than rebuild New Orleans. We need to rebuild this Country.


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