
Bush Second to Only Jefferson....

1,889 days and no vetoes: Bush gaining on Jefferson
WASHINGTON — President Bush today becomes the longest-sitting president since Thomas Jefferson not to exercise his veto, surpassing James Monroe.
Monroe was in office 1,888 days before he vetoed his first bill on May 4, 1822, a measure to impose a toll on the first federal highway. Jefferson never exercised his veto during two terms in 1801-09.
Today is Bush's 1,889th day in office, and no veto is in sight. As of Wednesday, Congress had sent him 1,091 bills. He signed them all.

Emanuel gets it right....

Rep. Rahm Emanuel, D-Ill., scoffs at that: “This is a rubber-stamp Congress. Why would he veto anything?”

So, lets take back Congress, OK?


Anonymous said...

Damn right, let us take back Congress from those dang blasted Republicans!!!

Anonymous said...

Democrats '06!!!!!!!!!!
Feingold '08!!!!!!!