
Update on Rep. Michelle Litjens & Culverts.....

In the Winnebago County Board meeting this week we passed the following resolution:

Establish Policy With Regard to Application For Town Bridge/Culvert Aid Pursuant to Section 82.08, Wisconsin Statutes

Exciting stuff!  But in a nutshell, the towns apply for County & State work & funds to repair bridges and culverts.  The County Highway Dept wants to codify the process to make sure the process runs smooth.

This flies right in the face of Rep Michelle Litjen's Statement in the OshNW:
"In the towns, when the town hall parking lot needs to be plowed or a culvert cleaned out, someone raises their hand and it's done. The more government promises to do, the less we help each other. In towns, people take responsibility for each other."
(I discuss the fallacy of this statement in detail here)

I would like to once again express the concern that Ms. Litjens please learn how govt is funded before she begins voting on it.

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