
Straightening Some Things Out....

There has been alot of misconceptions about my opinions bouncing around the Oshkosh Political Blogosphere lately, and there probably will continue to be for the next week thru the elections. So, I thought I would take a minute here and set anyone with questions straight.

That way, if you are concerned enough about my opinion, you can find the unfiltered or twisted facts.

1. I do not enthusiasticly support Castle for Mayor

We have an electoral system where, for this kind of office, you make a choice between two candidates. Sometimes you have to choose between two people you are not thrilled with. Of the two, I believe that Castle is the best choice. It is not that I think Castle is Better, it is that I think Esslinger is worse.

I wish Mark Madison had made it through the primary.

2. I did not accuse Esslinger of being a racist.

I did say that he made remarks that can be seen as racist or sexist. There is a difference. I think his remarks, as well as his attitudes towords women, minorities, the under-employed and other groups he may consider below him are reprehensible. I am accusing him of not being comapssionate to others. I am accusing him of being regressive and negative. I am accusing him of being insensitive. I am accusing him of being condescending.

The face of Oshkosh should not be this way. Is Castle a great choice? Not really, but he is better for Oshkosh than Esslinger. So I will vote for him.

3. Do I support unions?

Yes, wholeheartedly. I believe that the labor movement was one of the most important developments in world history. We all owe our working conditions to the bravery of the unions members that fought for them. I personally buy union whenever possible, and will continue to.

However, because of the poor record both candidates for Mayor have, and because the labor council has refused to endorse, I feel that the union issue does not play in this election.

I have spoken with several union activists about this, and they agreed with me. They are not thrilled with the choices, as I am not, but they stated they are also reluctantly voting for Castle. If you are a union activist or member, and disagree, please let me know. I know people have said things anonymously on websites, but I cannot believe that they are truly union members.

If you have a different opinion and would like to discuss this in a civil manner, please call/email me.

4. Why have I become a lightning rod in this election when I am not running for anything?

I believe the reason for this is because I am one of the few people willing to put my name on an opinion out here. I promise to continue doing this. If you have a problem with, or would like to discuss, an opinion of mine - please feel free to email/call me.

5. I am currently not running for anything.

There is no reason to pay as much attention to me as some people are... Unless they feel I am making good points.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

www.jef not 4 wi.com