
Wisconsin Chiefs of Police Association: No on Concealed Carry

From their statement:

The Wisconsin Chiefs of Police Association, representing over 500 municipal police executives throughout the State is opposed to Assembly Bill 763 & Senate Bill 403 (Concealed Carry Bill). The membership of the WCPA made it extremely clear from the results of an extensive survey conducted by our association last year that our members are overwhelmingly opposed to changing a 133 year old public policy related to the public safety of the citizens we have taken an oath to protect.

Our association is extremely disappointed to learn that an additional provision is being added which would provide sanctions against a police officer under certain circumstances. The provision separates permit holders from the general public by making it a Class C misdemeanor should officers reveal the names of permit holders; build a list of permit holders, or uses excessive force then stopping a permit holder. This additional provision clearly suggests that the Wisconsin law enforcement community has such propensities and conveys a distrust and even paranoia of law enforcement. Law enforcement agencies throughout Wisconsin have professional and ethical standards along with a code of conduct which guide their police officers to treat everyone equally. The provision suggests that permit holders should be treated differently than the general public.

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