
Some Points From the OshNW Editorial:

They are right here:
You might say that Winnebago County Supervisors got it half-right on the half-cent sales tax.Rejecting a county sales tax was absolutely the right thing to do. County Executive Mark Harris never laid out a compelling case to raise taxes beyond the fact that the county dug itself into a hole with excessive spending before a state spending cap was imposed. Harris didn’t create those problems, but it is now his job to fix them.And that’s where the board stumbled, too. Supervisors scraped up the money to avoid imposing the sales tax but it was through a series of one-time maneuvers that do little to curb the county’s voracious appetite for spending. The same budget headache will return next year. So will the temptation to tax.

Threatening is not 'partnering':
Salaries and benefits are the county’s biggest expense and most difficult issue to tackle. You cannot fault unions for negotiating agreements in the best interests of their workers. However, the reality is that the county cannot afford business as usual. Unions can partner with county leaders on needed changes or face layoffs.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The reality is most of the budget is in salaries and benefits. Partnering = taking concessions. You can try to clean it up and call it something nice, but it still is the same end result. Do you think a secretary should earn $38,000.00 plus benefits? We can not afford these unrealistic salaries, not to mention the unbelievable benefits they receive.