
Why Casey & Alito Matter...

Altercation continues to get better responses than I do:

Name: James
Hometown: pgh pa
In response to Brad's e-mail from yesterday. This type of question is a well set trap, and in my opinion demonstrates a difference between some conservatives and liberals. At first blush, you think, of course a husband should be informed if his wife wants to have an abortion. The answer is not so simple if you start to consider other factors. These factors include: Is the husband abusive? Is the husband the father? Would revealing this pregnancy endanger the mother? This is very similar to the question of parental notification of girls under the age of eighteen receiving abortions. The first reaction of many is of course the parents should be notified. But what if this pregnancy was the result of incest? What if revealing the pregnancy would open the girl to horrible retribution? These questions have no simple answer. What they need is to be discussed rationally and thoughtfully. Unfortunately, in today's political landscape, where a man who never changes his mind is respected, and a man who reconsiders decisions based on changing circumstances is ridiculed, the chances of such a discussion are minimal.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ya think