
Washinton Post Poll - Bush Less Ethical Than Clinton

Like we didnt' know that.....

How would you rate Bush's handling of ethics in government - excellent, good, only fair or poor?

Bush: Fair/Poor - 64%
Clinton: Fair/Poor - 62%

While this isn't a good thing about American Gov't overall, it does make one wonder about Bush's promise to 'restore honor and dignity to the White House'?

More from the poll:

In your opinion, do you think the charge against Libby represents (a serious) crime, or (a minor or technical) one?
Serious Crime: 69%
Minor or Technical Crime: 26%

Do you think this case (is an isolated incident) or do you think it (indicates broader problems with ethical wrongdoing in the Bush administration)?
Isolated Incident: 41%
Broader Problem: 55%


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