
Big Day for Birthdays, Today in History

I love the NYTimes 'On This Day' feature - here are some highlights for today:


77 - Sandra Day O'Connor - Former Supreme Court justice
76 - Leonard Nimoy - Actor (''Star Trek'')
73 - Alan Arkin - Actro
67 - James Caan - Actor
67 - Nancy Pelosi - Speaker of the US House of Representatives
64 - Bob Woodward - Journalist
63 - Diana Ross - Singer
59 - Steven TylerRock singer (Aerosmith)
54 - Elaine Chao - Secretary of Labor
54 - Lincoln Chafee - Former U.S. senator, R-R.I.
47 - Marcus Allen - Football Hall of Famer
47 - Jennifer Grey - Actress ("Dirty Dancing")
45 - John Stockton - Basketball player
41 - Michael Imperioli - Actor ("The Sopranos")
22 - Keira Knightley - Actress

89 - Robert Frost - 3/26/1874 - 1/29/1963 - American poet
71 - Tennessee Williams - 3/26/1911 - 2/25/1983 - American dramatist and author

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