Running for Spring Office in Winnebago County
Let me know if you have questions or suggestions.
Winnebago Politics Deja Vu...
Spring Candidates Needed! Contact Your Winnebago Dems if You Are Interested in Running
Hello Members and Friends of the Winnebago County Democratic Party!
Spring elections are upon us. Tomorrow (December 1) is the first day to gather signatures to appear on ballots in this April’s elections. Signatures are due January 5th.
To appear on a ballot, you will need to collect 50-200 signatures minimum (depending on the office).
Offices up for spring 2010 elections include County Board, School Boards, Town Boards and City Councils. If you are interested, we can help you get all the paperwork together.
Please contact Jef Hall, Chair at 920.203.6883 or via email at jef@jefhall.com if you are interested in running for a local office.
Now is the time to make sure we implement Progressive and Democratic principles and priorities in our communities. We cannot do this without people in these offices.
Contact me today!
Jef Hall
Chair, Winnebago County Democratic Party
2nd Vice Chair, Democratic Party of WI
112 E Irving Ave
Oshkosh, WI 54901
Authorized and Paid for by the Winnebago County Democratic Party – Jef Hall, Chair
I received this email at 12:27 PM
Spring Candidates Needed
From: Winnebago County GOP
Dear WCRP Members and Friends,
Tomorrow, December 1st, is the first day to gather signatures in order to be on the ballot in April's elections. Signatures are due on January 5th, and in order to appear on a ballot, you must collect between 50 and 200 signatures minimum, depending on the office. Offices up for election in the spring of 2010 include the County Board, School Boards, Town Boards, and City Councils. If you have any interest, we can help you get the paperwork together. Please contact our Campaign Chair, Xxxx Xxxxxx, at xxxxxxxx@xxx.xx.xxx, or myself directly at XXX-XXX-XXXX.
We absolutely need candidates to maintain the conservative cause in Winnebago County!
Xxxx X. Xxxxxx
WCRP Chairman
(I'm not gonna give out their contact info... They already stole my email, I'm not gonna send out theirs for them!)
Kagen Health Care Listening Session, Hmong Summer Festival, Labor Day
Hello Members and Friends of the Winnebago County Democratic Party!
There are several ways you can help your Democratic Party and get involved in your community this week:
1. Kagen Health Care Listening Session
You are invited to attend a health care listening session with Congressman Kagen on Thursday night. We would like to build a friendly crowd so Rep Kagen can have some rational, reasonable interactions. To attend, these are the details:
Thurs, Sept 3rd - 7:00 8:30PM
Appleton North High School Gymnasium
5000 N Ballard Rd - Appleton
2. Winnebago Hmong Summer Festival
Sat & Sun, Sept 5th & 6th
Winnebago County Park
501 East County Road Y - Oshkosh
The Winnebago Dems will host a booth this weekend at the Hmong Summer Festival. We need people to staff the booth on Saturday and Sunday. If you are able to fill in a shift, please email Jef Hall – jef@jefhall.com or call 920.203.6883 to sign up. This is a growing constituency, and we can make a real impact by putting our best foot forward here.
3. Winnebago County Labor Day Events
We will again show our support for labor by marching in the Menasha-Neenah Labor Day Parade Monday, September 7th. Please meet at Germania Hall – 320 Chute St, Menasha at 9:15 AM for a 10:00 AM Parade start.
After the parade we will spend time at both the Neenah and Oshkosh Labor Day picnics.
Neenah Labor Day Picnic: 157 S Green Bay Rd, Neenah
Oshkosh Labor Day Picnic and Car Show: South Park, Oshkosh
To join both the Democratic Party of WI & your local Winnebago County party, go here: http://www.wisdems.org/membership_sign-up.asp
As always, please contact me at anytime with questions,
Jef Hall
Chair, Winnebago County Democratic Party
2nd Vice Chair, Democratic Party of WI
112 E Irving Ave, Oshkosh, WI 54901
Authorized and Paid for by the Winnebago County Democratic Party – Jef Hall, Chair
Tony Talks Poverty... Again...
Now, I am as dedicated to poverty reduction as any elected official (and if anyone would like to discuss my record, I am open). But Palmeri, in his 2.5 years as an elected Oshkosh Common Council Member has done little or nothing to reduce poverty in Oshkosh.
Because Mr. Palmeri is very good at self-promotion, let's look at his major tool for this to evaluate his record: www.talktotony.blogspot.com (the link takes you to a Google search of his blog for the word 'Poverty').
You will find that he has 10 results about poverty on his blog. Tony was first elected in 4/2007. Of these 10, 6 are from before he was elected. Including:
In this post, he calls for the creation of a blue-ribbon panel on poverty consisting of former mayors (mind you, he would not be part of this panel) as a campaign promise.
In this post, he calls for "a jobs summit and/or create an Economic Development Commission to come up with real strategies for maintaining, attracting, and creating family supporting jobs in the community" - another opportunity for talking (but not doing anything) about poverty.
In this post he calls for "a living wage ordinance for the city of Oshkosh" - an item he has had 2.5 ears as a council member to introduce, but has not.
In the posts since his election, he has recorded:
A move by then Mayor Frank Tower (not Palmeri) to create a commission.
A post featuring a Kennedy quote.
A post comparing the war on Drugs with the War on Poverty.
A post complaining how the new ambulance rates will hurt the poor (he voted for it):
We approved new ambulance rates (I was part of the 6-1 majority), but we completely dropped any discussion of how increased rates affect those least able to pay. We gave lip service to that topic at the August workshop, and it did turn out to be just that: lip service. The painful reality is that this council or city government in general does not have in place any coherent anti-poverty program, nor do we seem particularly interested in developing one. We are all responsible for that; I am not trying to blame anyone.Once again, Mr. Palmeri complained about the neglect of the poor, while continuing to neglect them.
Here is the rub. As a member of the Oshkosh Common Council, he has the opportunity to introduce any resolution at any meeting. The way I see it, he has been in office 52 months, and at 2 meetings a month, that is 104 opportunities to do something on this issue squandered.
Tonight, Mr. Palmeri called once again for more than lip service for Oshkosh's residents in poverty. I hope this time he actually means it.
His record does not look promising.
Health Care Reform Rally, Corn Roast, Stand by the Grand, Labor Day - Lots of Opportunities to Get Involved!
Hello Members and Friends of the Winnebago County Democratic Party!
There are several events over the next 2 weeks that you might like to get involved with:
1. Stand by the Grand!
The Oshkosh Common Council will be voting on repairs to the Grand Opera House at their meeting today Tuesday, August 25th. We need to show our support! Please gather with me in the City Hall parking lot before the meeting and show our Council members how much the people of Oshkosh value their Grand! Let's line the sidewalk with people who know the Grand must continue in our community!
The meeting starts at 5:15, please be there by 4:15!
2. Health Care rally in Green Bay
This Wednesday, August 26th, at 6:00 pm. there will be a major rally in Green Bay to support health care reform!! Send Rep. Steve Kagen back to Washington to fight for health care reform that will provide quality, affordable health care for all Americans.
The rally will be held at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay Phoenix Room. Join us to show America that people from Wisconsin are fair minded, caring people who want EVERYONE to have affordable health care!
3. Winnebago Dems Corn Roast
Great Corn, Great Politics, Great People!
The Corn Roast will be August 29th, from 1-4PM. Once again, it will be held at Winnebago County Park in Shelterhouse 1. Speakers will include Assembly Majority Leader Tom Nelson, Rep Gordon Hintz, Rep Penny Bernard-Schaber and County Executive Mark Harris as well as other invited speakers.
$5 will once again get you a couple of hot dogs and all the corn on the cob you can eat.
4. Labor Day Events in Winnebago County
We will again show our support for labor by marching in the Menasha-Neenah Labor Day Parade Monday, September 7th. Please meet at Germania Hall – 320 Chute St, Menasha at 9:15 AM for a 10:00 AM Parade start.
After the parade we will spend time at both the Neenah and Oshkosh Labor Day picnics.
Neenah Labor Day Picnic: 157 S Green Bay Rd, Neenah
Oshkosh Labor Day Picnic and Car Show: South Park, Oshkosh
To join both the Democratic Party of WI & your local Winnebago County party, go here: http://www.wisdems.org/membership_sign-up.asp
As always, contact me anytime with questions,
Jef Hall
Chair, Winnebago County Democratic Party
2nd Vice Chair, Democratic Party of WI
112 E Irving Ave, Oshkosh, WI 54901
Authorized and Paid for by the Winnebago County Democratic Party – Jef Hall, Chair
More on Palmeri and the Grand
1. In reference to budget deliberations:
Deputy Mayor Bain submitted a CIP amendment: Grand Opera House Sprinkler Project. Motion to have the City fully fund the Grand Opera House sprinkler project. Rationale: The city owns the project, and I feel it is our obligation for maintenance and upkeep, and the sprinkler project certainly falls into that category. The Foundation Board should be focused on their projects to enhance the facility. Benefit - The experience that the citizens and patrons have when visiting the building.2. Discussing a performance he was in to help raise private money for childrens programs at the Grand:
So thanks again to Joe Ferlo and the Grand Opera House, two Oshkosh treasures.Tony, what changed? I'm sure most of the people who voted for you did not do so thinking you would say the Grand is "dead on arrival" (his exact quote below):
Contact Mr. Palmeri and remind him why the Grand was important to him, and why it is to you!
(920) 235-1116
Mr. Palmeri is off base - Preserve the Grand
Palmeri said this was the time for community groups to “walk the walk.” “If we don’t get meaningful private participation on this, we can only talk the talk on public-private partnerships,” he said. “Everybody wants to see the building saved, but I do think now would be the time for people to step up to the plate and show what they can contribute.”Since he is a private citizen and wants to see the building saved, I look forward to him walking the walk as well.
What Mr.'s Palmeri and Esslinger (read the article, he is also calling for private donations) fail to realize is that the preservation of these historic buildings is the responsibility of govt. Even more in lean times when private fundraising is more difficult.
As Mr. Palmeri wrote on his blog during the water tower debate:
My interest in this issue is not rooted in some nostalgia for history or historic structures. Rather, I believe that it's time to start actively developing the "Historic Oshkosh" brand. Other cities have done this with great success.How can we brand ourselves as "Historic Oshkosh" if we allow Wisconsin's oldest operating theater building to close and rot?
Limbaugh Argument Against National Healthcare: Private Healthcare Takes Care of Dogs Just Fine....
He says "it works" because "It depends on your ability to pay."
And describes swank animal hospitals and dog kennels.
Hey Rush, what do you do to a dog when you can't afford to pay for their care?
Are you advocating for putting the sick poor to sleep?
New Oshkosh leaders group to hold community meeting on state budget impact
Citizens for a Strong Oshkosh (CSO) will hold a public meeting on June 15 to examine the proposed state budget and how it will affect the Oshkosh community. The meeting will take place Monday at 6:00 pm at the Oshkosh Convention Center, 2 North Main St, Oshkosh.
Diverse community leaders formed CSO to preserve quality services and infrastructure that Oshkosh residents rely on every day. CSO includes business owners and union leaders, elected officials from all branches of local government and interested citizens. Although members have different roles in the community and reflect different political persuasions, all care deeply about Oshkosh. Steering committee members include John Nichols, Frank Tower, Mark Harris, Tom McDermott, Steve Hintz, Jessica King, Paulette Feld, Dennis Schwab, Kathleen Propp, Joan Wade, Ashley Hesse, Sean Fitzgerald, Vue Thao, Tom Willadsen, and Steven Powers.
CSO has been looking at the large role that state revenue decisions play in our community. The budget proposed by the Governor and amended by the Joint Finance Committee is being debated now by the entire legislature in Madison.
According to Mark Harris, Winnebago County Executive, “At this community meeting, we will discuss the growing state budget deficit and how it may affect Oshkosh. We want to inform and involve citizens so state legislators hear their opinions before the budget is finalized. The decisions our state legislators make may raise our property taxes and jeopardize local services for years to come.”
CSO has met at least monthly since November to discuss the role that state revenue and decisions play in local public structures from law enforcement to schools to human services and economic development. They have been studying reforms at the state level that could make Oshkosh stronger.
Interested members of the community are encouraged to attend the meeting on June 15 at the Oshkosh Convention Center. Call 231-4770 for more information.
The Myth of Canadians Flocking to the US for Healthcare:
U.S. ambulatory facilities survey. Almost 40 percent of the facilities we surveyed reported treating no Canadians, while an additional 40 percent had seen fewer than ten patients (Exhibit 1Go). Fifteen percent of respondent sites reported treating 10–25 Canadian patients, and only about 5 percent reported seeing more than 25 during the previous year (generally 25–75 patients; none reported more than 100). These findings were fairly consistent across the service categories. The overall response rate was 67 percent, and it varied across type of clinical facility from 56 percent for ambulatory surgery centers to 80 percent for cancer centers.
If we extrapolate these findings (assuming that nonrespondents show a pattern similar to that of respondents), these facilities in the three large metropolitan areas combined saw approximately 640 Canadian patients for diagnostic radiology services such as computed tomography (CT) scans or MRI and 270 patients for eye procedures such as cataract surgery over a one-year period. By comparison, the annual volume for CT scans and cataract extractions averaged about 80,000 and 25,000 procedures, respectively, in British Columbia alone during the mid-1990s.9 In Quebec the annual volume during the same period for CT scans and MRI averaged 375,000 procedures and 44,000 procedures, respectively
Wisconsinites Want Healthcare Reform
- 49 percent say the state's health care system has major problems, and 13 percent say it is in a state of crisis
- 76 percent consider it important for the state to reduce the number of residents without health care coverage and 84 percent feel it should make health care more affordable for all
- 82 percent agree that all Wisconsinites should have access to the same basic health care coverage, and 76 percent agree that everyone should contribute to the health care system
- 56 percent say they would be more likely to vote for a candidate who supported health care coverage for all Wisconsin residents
Will the Newest Council Members Decide the Main St Parking Lot Issue?
And, in a show of how elections matter, it will be the 2 newest members of the council who will make the decision.
Severl current council members have come out on this issue. Mayor Esslinger is against it, as is Councilor McHugh. Councilor Palmeri has previously proposed to have this project delayed.
I would assume from previous votes in favor of the project that Councilors King and Tower are in support.
That puts the vote at 3 against the lot & 2 in favor of the lot. Either of the 2 newest councilors, Buccholz or Poeschl can kill the lot.
Elections matter.
What did the kid in the green hat say...?
Life Imitates Art
Or rather, South Park imitates Oshkosh city council meetings.
Palmeri on Open Meetings - Updated
Wisconsin Statutes 19.83 say that "At any meeting of a governmental body, all discussion shall be held and all action of any kind, formal or informal, shall be initiated, deliberated upon and acted upon only in open session except as provided in s. 19.85."So he can not please ignorance.
Original post below:
Perhaps the most disturbing part of this whole episode is how Mr. Palmeri has gone against his history of open meeting advocacy when an issue affected him. here are some of his greatest hits:
From Mr. Palmeri's blog regarding a closed meeting to discuss the goals of the city manager:
If a strong case is made for going into closed session on the 24th, I will certainly join my colleagues. But "strong case" has to be more than a narrow reading of the Open Meetings law. We need to be concerned not just with the letter, but also the spirit of that law.and further in the comments by Mr. Palmeri:
I think we should do that hashing out in public. Not only is that more in line with the spirit of the open meetings law, but it would also allow citizens who make goal suggestions to see and hear for themselves if the Council is taking them seriously.And finally from Mr. Palmeri's statement when running for the 54th Assembly:
OUR OPEN MEETINGS LAW SHOULD ALLOW NO EXCEPTIONS.A side discussion in a recess after half the council has voted is absolutely against the spirit of open meetings.
Well this changes everything....
Poeschl explained he was simply reviewing his notes while at the same time speaking with Palmeri. He said the conversation was geared toward the presentations and that Palmeri did not sway his vote.We now know they were discussing the appointment, that was what the presentations were for. This violates open meetings. From the UW Extension Local Government Fact Sheet on WI Open Meetings Law:
"I was flipping through my notes the whole time," he said. "I can understand where the speculation is coming from…but the nature of that conversation was simply geared toward the presentations."
Purpose test. This test is met when discussion, information gathering or decision-making takes place on a matter within the governmental body’s jurisdiction. This test is met even if no votes are taken; mere discussion or information gathering satisfies the test.Emphasis mine.
Here are some quotes from the WI Department of Justice's 2007 Open Meetings Law Guide:
In recognition of the fact that a representative government of the American type is dependent upon an informed electorate, it is declared to be the policy of this state that the public is entitled to the fullest and most complete information regarding the affairs of government as is compatible with the conduct of governmental business.I will address "the letter and spirit of the law" in a later post. Suffice to say that Mr. Poeschl and Mr. Palmeri admitted to violating accessibility to all citizens at all times with their side conversation.
In order to advance this policy, the open meetings law requires that “all meetings of all state and local governmental bodies shall be publicly held in places reasonably accessible to members of the public and shall be open to all citizens at all times unless otherwise expressly provided by law.”
Public officials must be ever mindful of the policy of openness and the rule of liberal construction in order to ensure compliance with both the letter and spirit of the law.
Let's talk about why the two councilors constituted a negative quorum:
The Wisconsin Supreme Court has held that the above statutory definition of a “meeting” applies whenever a convening of members of a governmental body satisfies two requirements: (1) there is a purpose to engage in governmental business and (2) the number of members present is sufficient to determine the governmental body’s course of action.Can two councilors out of six "determine the governmental body's course of action?"
In this case, yes. Remember, at this time Mr. Buchholz had two votes for appointment. It took four out of six to make the appointment. This meant that three votes can block any nomination. Therefore Mr. Poeschl's vote was enough to detirmine the course of action.
This is why the council allows for discussion between the council members in open session. this is where Mr. Poeschl and Mr. Palmeri's conversation should have taken place.
The presentations were supposed to be the way the council made the decision. If they were, as Mr. Poeschl's quote indicates, discussing the presentations, they were in violation of both the letter and spirit of the law.
Things we know, things we suspect
So, to clear the air after a day's more thought let's run through...
Things we know:
1. Councilor Tony Palmeri selected Mr. Buchholz, giving interactions he had with Mr. Buchholz before this meeting as the main reason.
2. Councilor Dennis McHugh selected Mr. Buchholz without giving any real reason.
3. Councilor Bob Poeschl requested a recess to think over which of the candidates he was going to support. Mr. Poeschl and Mr. Plameri had an off-microphone conversation for the entire recess. They were referring to the notes Mr. Poeschl made during the meeting in this conversation.
4. Mayor Paul Esslinger, by his own admission, came to the meeting with Mr. Buchholz selected.
5. An email was sent to several members of the council by Mr. Buchholz discussing the open position. This email was not made part of the council packet or public record before the meeting.
6. Mr. Poeschl, after the recess, gave his 'youthfulness' as the only reason to select Mr. Buchholz (who, according to his resume started his career in 1975).
From these facts, we know: A negative quorum was made when Mr. Palmeri and Mr. Poeschl discussed who to appoint. This is because Palmeri and McHugh had both indicated their choice. If Mr. Palmeri did, as it appears, try to convince Mr. Poeschl to also support Mr. Buchholz, Mr. Palmeri created a negative quroum, as three votes is enough to block any nominee. If Mr. Palmeri had the discussion with Mr. Poeschl on microphone in the open meeting, there would have been no violation.
Things we suspect:
1. Mr Poeschl really did not know who he was going to vote for going into the meeting. He should not have spoken to Mr. Palmeri, creating the negative quorum, but it was Mr. Palmeri who had previously stated who he supported that caused the problem.
2. Presumably Mr. Palmeri had a reason to select Mr. Buchholz that he did not want to mention in open session that he discussed with Mr. Poeschl in recess.
3. Mr's Palmeri, Esslinger and McHugh all came to the meeting with Mr. Buchholz as their selection. Mr. Buchholz did have contact with each of them outside of the meeting (which is legal), but did they have contact with each other? They all seemed pretty sure of their selection, with two giving indication they had Mr. Buchholz selected before they hit their seats at the meeting.
4. The whole matter stinks. It seems to me that Mr. Poeschl is caught up in some manuvering that he may not have been party to until the suspect recess.
Someone on the council needs to come clean about the process, or more research into pre-meeting correspondence and recess discussions needs to be done.
Poeschl, Palmeri - Caucus or Open Meeting Violation?
In a long process Harold Buchholz was selected on the first ballot with 4 of the needed 6 votes.
The process worked like this:
1. Presentations from candidates
2. Comments from citizens (there were none)
3. Council discussion
4. Council polling for candidate nomination
The council discussion worked like this:
1. Palmeri says he would select Buchholz
2. Tower selects Hintz
3. McHugh selects Buchholz
*4. Poeschl asks for a recess to think over his selection - selects Buchholz after.
5. King selects Hintz
6. Esslinger selects Buchholz
7. Buchholz wins 4-2
* Let's talk about the recess and review a few things about open meetings.
A negative quorum exists when enough members of the council have come together to block a vote outside of the open meeting. In this case, 4 votes were needed to pass the candidate. That means that 3 votes (out of the 6 councilors) could block the nomination of any of the candidates.
After Palmeri and McHugh selected Buchholz, they were in effect 'off the table'. However, when Poeschl asked for 5 minutes to think over his selection, he immediately began a discussion with Palmeri that lasted the entire break.
During this discussion, they repeatedly referred to Poeschl's notes. All of this took place off-camera and away from the eyes and ears of Oshkosh citizens.
In other words, it was against open meetings rules.
They created a negative quorum as soon as Poeschl decided to also support Palmeri's choice.
Wineke Welcomes Mark Belling to the Democratic Party
DPW Chair Joe Wineke today sent conservative talk show host Mark Belling a Party membership application, following Belling’s pledge to vote Democratic in the upcoming gubernatorial election. Belling said he would vote to re-elect Governor Jim Doyle if 50-1 long-shot racehorse #8 Mine That Bird won the Kentucky Derby.
“#8 MINE THAT BIRD---If this horse wins, I’ll never bet on another race and will vote for Jim Doyle for reelection,” wrote Belling on his blog.
Mine That Bird won at 50-1 odds. See Belling’s blog post:
Below is the message DPW Chair Wineke sent to Belling today. Attached is Belling’s DPW membership card.
Sent: Monday, May 04, 2009 2:32 PM
To: 'markbelling@clearchannel.com'
Subject: Message to Mark Belling from Joe Wineke
Importance: High
Mr. Belling:
Thank you for your pledge to vote Democratic in the upcoming gubernatorial election. (How about that Kentucky Derby upset?)
I just wanted to let you know that unlike the other side, we are a big tent party that welcomes people of all political leanings – and we are glad to have you. Attached is a DPW membership form. It will cost you $25 to join, but you won’t regret it. We sent Arlen Specter a similar card.
I look forward to hearing back from you.
Joe Wineke, DPW Chair
Democratic Party of Wisconsin
110 King Street, Suite 203
Madison, WI 53703
608-255-5172 (office)
608-255-8919 (fax)
Authorized and paid for by the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Joe Wineke, Chair
How public will the process really be?
Looking at the time frame from the article:
The newly elected city council met for the first time Tuesday afternoon to discuss the process. With the hopes of soliciting public input on the issue, the matter was pushed back to the May 12 meeting.and
Councilors who favored the application process also suggested accepting letters of interest and resumes for a one- to two-week period, which would likely lead to a vote to fill the position in the last week of May.So, they want to decide how to fill the position on May 12th. Then have the appointment on May 26th - two weeks to the day later.
This doesn't really leave a lot of time for the application and interview process. It would seem to me that there is really only time to review people you already know in that time.
If you give 2 weeks to submit the application, then the appointment would need to be moved into June.
I think this could easily turn into a railroad. We need to keep our eyes on the process and actions closely.
Is this truly an open application process, or a thin veil to put over a selection that has already been made?
We will be monitoring...
A Thought About Tomorrow's Oshkosh Mayor's Race...
Mayor Frank Tower will be off the council if he looses.
So, should Mr. Esslinger win, would it not be fair for him to appoint Mr. Tower to the council?
Vote for Frank Tower anyway...
OshNW & Post-C Get it Right!
Rarely do voters get an opportunity to send someone to office as well-qualified and accomplished as Winnebago County Executive Mark Harris. He deserves your vote April 7 for a second term.
Post-C: Editorial: Harris deserves second Winnebago term
Mark Harris has a solid record of leadership in four years as Winnebago County executive. He's knowledgeable about financial issues, pragmatic about budget constraints and works to protect the services county residents rely on.
Message to WCDP... Lit drops Saturday!
Hello Members and Friends of the Winnebago County Democratic Party!
I am re-attaching this month’s newsletter, it seems I emailed out an incomplete copy. If you skip to page 3, you will see the additions. Sorry for any inconvenience…
The newsletter online is updated as well here: http://www.jef4wi.com/newsletters.html
Lit Drops for endorsed Candidates!
On April 4th, we will have 2 lit drops for endorsed candidates. They will be out of the Labor Hall in Neenah and Jef Hall’s house in Oshkosh.
If you can volunteer part of your Saturday for our candidates, please let me know. Call 920.203.6883 or email jef@jefhall.com (or just hit reply!).
Labor Hall - 157 S Green Bay Rd, Neenah
Jef Hall’s – 112 E Irving Ave, Oshkosh
Here is a list of our endorsed candidates that we urge you to cast a ballot for on April 7th:
Mark Harris - Winnebago County Executive
mharris1@new.rr.com - www.harris4exec.com
(920) 232-8688
Dennis Kavanaugh - Oshkosh School Board
dkavanaugh@ntd.net - (920) 231-3397
Jessica King - Oshkosh Common Council
jking@oshkoshlawyers.com - (920) 424-3938
Susan Rubick - Clayton Town Supervisor
Shirley Abrahamson - State Supreme Court
www.abrahamson2009.com - (608) 222-8806
Tony Evers – Superintendent of Schools
campaign@tonyevers.com - (414) 755-2343
Stan Sevenich – Menasha City Council
www.sevenichforalderman.com – (920) 725-2429
Tim Hamlin – Neenah City Council
(920) 722-4593
Jef Hall
Chair, Winnebago County Democratic Party
2nd Vice Chair, Democratic Party of WI
224a Scott Ave, Oshkosh, WI 54901
Authorized and Paid for by the Winnebago County Democratic Party – Jef Hall, Chair
Tea Parties, Racism and Homophobia in Green Bay
The first photo is labeled as coming from a "Proud Member of the Nationalist Movement" and urges people to go to nationalist.org (I do not encourage you to).
I think that Wikipedia nails the organization in the first sentence:
The Nationalist Movement is a Mississippi-based, white supremacist organization that advocates what it calls a "pro-majority" position. It has been called white supremacist by the Associated Press and Anti-Defamation League, among others.Quite the company to keep....


Ignore the man on the right-bottom of the center with the 'Hitler' sign. Instead, direct your attention at all the people crowding around the free t-shirt van at the rally protesting handouts...

WCDP Announcements
Hello Members and Friends of the Winnebago County Democratic Party!
Do not forget the Indigo Dinner this Saturday.
We do have a few extra tickets available at the door. We hope you can make it.
Speakers will include:
WI DPI Superintendent Candidate Tony Evers
DPW Chair Candidate Mike Tate
County Executive Mark Harris
WI Assembly Representative Gordon Hintz
Other local candidates
A tribute to Don Wyman
Fellowship begins at 5:00PM, dinner is at 6:00PM. Tickets are $30 at the door if you have not yet confirmed.
Hope to see you there!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
WHERE: Feil’s Supper Club
Hwy 73 South , Box 124
Randolph, WI 53956
Phone: (920) 326-5544
TIME: 9:00 AM Registration opens
10:00 AM Convention Opens
Speeches by Elected Officials, Invited Guests
Candidates for State Party Offices (Elected at State Convention)
Candidates for Public Office
12 Noon Registration Closes / Lunch is Served
1:00 PM Convention resumes / Election of CD Officers 2009-2011
1st Vice Chair
2nd Vice Chair
Admin Rep
Platform & Resolutions Member
Alternate Platform & Resolutions Member
1:00/1:30 PM Congressional District Business meeting
Officers Reports:
Chair’s Report
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report & Budget
Goal Setting for Year:
JFK Dinner (TBA)
Conclude all unfinished business
PRICE: $20.00 Per Person – Pre-registered – Delegates, Alternates and Guests
$25.00 Per Person at the Door
Resolutions Needed for Submission to the State and CD for the DPW Platform
This is your opportunity to influence the Democratic Party of WI Platform.
Resolutions need to be presented at either the March or April Winnebago Dems meeting. They must be no more than 100 words and in a ‘Whereas” “Therefore, Resolved” format, such as this one:
1 Whereas, Social Security is a benefit that survivors, disabled and retired millions rely on; |
2 Whereas, full benefits can be paid until 2052 according to the Congressional Budget Office 3 and 80 percent thereafter; |
4 Whereas, increasing the income cap on FICA will make Social Security solvent beyond 2075; |
5 Whereas, private Social Security accounts will cause the government $2 trillion in transition 6 costs; and |
7 Whereas, Social Security is the principal income for 2/3rds of retirees, and for 1/3rd it is their 8 only income; |
9 Therefore, resolved, the DPW opposes any privatization of the Social Security system and 10 favors an increase in the income cap.
Please have any resolutions ready for the meeting March 11th.
Fox Valley ACLU Prisoner Rights Forum
On March 12th at 7:00 PM the Fox Valley ACLU will host a forum discussing Prisoners Rights presented by George Curtis. The forum will be held at the Oshkosh Public Library.
Other Upcoming Events:
Fri Feb 27th – Fox Valley Dems Unity Breakfast
7:00AM – BJ Clancy’s - 3341 S Oneida St, Appleton
Sat Mar 7th – WCDP Indigo Dinner
5:00PM - LaSure’s Banquets - 3125 S Washburn St, Oshkosh
Wed Mar 11th – WCDP Monthly Meeting
7:00PM – Delta Restaurant - 515 N Sawyer St, Oshkosh
Fri Mar 27th – Fox Valley Dems Unity Breakfast
7:00AM – BJ Clancy’s - 3341 S Oneida St, Appleton
Wed Apr 8th – WCDP Monthly Meeting
7:00PM – Delta Restaurant - 515 N Sawyer St, Oshkosh
Fri Apr 24th – Fox Valley Dems Unity Breakfast
7:00AM – BJ Clancy’s - 3341 S Oneida St, Appleton
Wed May 13th – WCDP Monthly Meeting
7:00PM – Delta Restaurant - 515 N Sawyer St, Oshkosh
Fri May 29th – Fox Valley Dems Unity Breakfast
7:00AM – BJ Clancy’s - 3341 S Oneida St, Appleton
Sat Jun 6th – Town of Algoma Parade
Wed Jun 10th – WCDP Monthly Meeting
7:00PM – Delta Restaurant - 515 N Sawyer St, Oshkosh
Jun 12-13th – DPW Annual Convention
Convention will be hosted in Green Bay
Sat Jun 20th – Claytonfest Parade
Fri Jun 24th – Fox Valley Dems Unity Breakfast
7:00AM – BJ Clancy’s - 3341 S Oneida St, Appleton
Sat Jul 3rd – Neenah/Menasha Light Parade
Sat Jul 4h – Oshkosh & Omro Parades
Wed Jul 8th – WCDP Monthly Meeting
7:00PM – Delta Restaurant - 515 N Sawyer St, Oshkosh
Sat Jul 18h – Winneconne Sovereign State Days Parade
Aug 4-9th – Winnebago County Fair
Volunteers needed to staff the booth!
Wed Aug 12th – WCDP Monthly Meeting
7:00PM – Delta Restaurant - 515 N Sawyer St, Oshkosh
Sat Aug 29th – WCDP Annual Corn Roast
1:00PM – Winnebago Community Park - Oshkosh
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me anytime!
Jef Hall
Chair, Winnebago County Democratic Party
2nd Vice Chair, Democratic Party of WI
224a Scott Ave, Oshkosh, WI 54901
Authorized and Paid for by the Winnebago County Democratic Party – Jef Hall, Chair