Above is the 'Photo of the Week' from Mark Green's Green Sheet Newsletter. Here's the caption:
Photo of the WeekJust an observation...
This week's POTW is from Sunday, when Mark was the keynote speaker at the Sauk County Right to Life Rally in Baraboo. You can see a news clip about the event here. Mark's been called a "pro-life hero" for his efforts to protect all human life. As further evidence of his not sharing our Wisconsin values, Governor Doyle is on record favoring no restrictions on abortion at all.
Mark Green is discussing women's reproductive issues with a bunch of men who seem to look well past 'child-bearing' age.
Shouldn't they be getting some opinions from the women whom their decisions would affect?
It really reminds me of this famous picture (you'll have to click for the link) titled "President Bush Signs Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003" featuring Bush surrounded by nine men and no women at the ceremony.
Where does Mark Green stand on the death penalty? Because if he trulys wants to protect ALL human life, he can't be pro-death penalty.
I should note, that I don't know where he stands, I'd just like to know.
For the record- I was being witty about the 'child-bearing age'
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